Top Content Marketing Trends of 2023

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Top content marketing trends of 2023

The digital landscape is constantly changing and evolving. As algorithms adjust, new platforms emerge, and user behaviors adapt, brands must keep an eye on the latest content marketing strategies and trends. 

Well-crafted content is the backbone of any successful marketing campaign. According to a recent Statista study, 37% of B2C and 25% of B2B organizations publish content daily in 2023.

Of course, B2B and B2C organizations need to use different content strategies based on their business models and target customers. Additionally, B2B organizations need to develop bold ideas and themes to establish a position as industry leaders. Their B2C counterparts need to leverage the latest marketing technologies with impeccable execution to reach consumers directly. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top content marketing trends of 2023, as well as ways for both B2B and B2C organizations to implement them. 

For more information, reach out to the Foxxr Digital Marketing team directly. 

1. Most Plan to Increase Their Content Marketing Budgets

The first trend is that organizations across a variety of industries increased their content marketing budgets in 2023. They’re also planning to continue this trend in 2024. 

According to Statista, 56% of B2B and 61% of B2C companies have stated that they plan to increase their budgets throughout 2023. 50% of B2C companies also state that a bigger budget would make their content marketing even more successful. 

The rationale behind these investments is clear. Businesses have witnessed firsthand how effective content strategies deliver tangible results. High-quality, engaging content not only establishes brand identity but also drives organic traffic to your website and ultimately bolsters sales. 

The current digital landscape is very competitive, and in many cases, increasing content marketing spending is necessary to stay ahead of the game. With this trend, organizations are making a concerted effort to capture a larger slice of the market. 

2. B2B Companies Heavily Investing in Websites & Content

B2b heavily investing in content & website enhancements

In 2023, B2B companies have made a strong effort to improve their digital presence. Potential B2B customers typically learn about new products via websites and social media posts. 

Therefore, having a strong online presence is necessary for B2B organizations to establish their position as market leaders. A strong first impression and continued engagement can significantly help attract new customers and make sales. 

B2B organizations are taking this seriously, working with top developers and designers to enhance their websites. They are also doubling down on their commitment to high-quality content for effective lead generation. 

As Statista reports, 65% of B2B companies are investing in content production in 2023, with 58% of B2B companies investing in website enhancements. 

3. Linking Content Marketing to Commerce Conversions

Statista indicates that over half of companies surveyed strategically link their content marketing initiatives to their commerce conversions. This means that these businesses are meticulously tracking their customer journey and how their content quality influences that. 

Doing this helps companies quantify the direct impact of their content strategy. This results in tangible ROI data, which helps companies determine which types of content are working and which need improvement. 

By taking the time to understand this correlation, businesses collect the data they need to fine-tune their content. This increases the chances of content resonating with the target audience and driving potential customers through the sales funnel. 

4. Social Media Platforms Reign Supreme

Leading social media platforms used by marketers jan 2023

Social media has completely transformed the internet over the past 20 years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Most marketers continue to rely heavily on social media platforms to reach new customers. 

In fact, Statista reports that 85% of B2B and 96% of B2C companies use social media to reach their audiences. This makes it the second-most popular content marketing channel, behind company websites. 

TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn are leading the social media pack in 2023. Each of these platforms has an engaged, active audience, and they also offer a variety of tools to help businesses reach these audiences successfully. 

However, there are hundreds of social platforms on the internet, each with its own distinct user base. Choosing the right option for your business isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. 

Here are the key factors to consider when selecting a platform for social media marketing

  • Audience: Consider where your target customer spends most of their time online. For example, Gen Z tends to be most prevalent on TikTok and Snapchat, while B2B professionals rely heavily on LinkedIn. 
  • Content Type: Determine what type of content would best represent your business and select the appropriate platforms. For example, Instagram favors visually rich content like photos, infographics, and videos, while X (formerly known as Twitter) focuses on concise, engaging text. 
  • Advertising Options: Organic content is just one piece of the social puzzle. You’ll also need to choose a platform that offers helpful advertising features to boost your digital presence. 

5. AI Tools Growing in Popularity

Ai tools growing popularity

2023 has been a banner year for AI technology (artificial intelligence). Using AI tools has gone from niche to mainstream, influencing many content marketing trends. These tools have been particularly helpful for B2C brands, enabling them to generate timely, personalized marketing strategies.

AI algorithms analyze consumer behavior, helping B2C marketers tailor their content to their target audience’s needs. B2C experts are also using automated content creation tools to scale their content strategy and work more efficiently. 

Many B2C brands are also implementing customer-facing AI technology. AI-driven chatbots provide real-time customer assistance to improve the user experience. 

Still, AI technology is in its infancy. We can expect to see companies further expand their use of AI as the technology improves. The best AI tools work as content partners, providing extra support and resources for content marketing teams. 

6. B2B Companies Need Whitepapers, Presentations, Infographics, and Studies

In order for B2B brands to land new customers, they need to demonstrate their expertise and build trust. Whitepapers, presentations, infographics, and studies are all effective ways to do this through content marketing. 

Statista’s reports support this. 42% of B2B companies state that better ideas and themes could make their content marketing strategies better. Text-based formats are currently the top content marketing format for B2B organizations.

These content forms bolster a brand’s credibility while providing real value for the consumer. Whitepapers and studies delve deep into important topics to showcase your knowledge and thought leadership. 

These pieces of content are often accompanied by infographics, which visualize important data. Presentations simplify complex ideas, making them accessible to potential clients. 

7. Increasing Video and Audio Content

Increase in video and audio content

The type of content that consumers gravitate towards has changed significantly over the past few years. Content marketing trends in 2023 indicate a shift towards dynamic video and audio content rather than static imagery or written content. 

B2B companies have leaned heavily into video content this year, and almost two-thirds of B2B organizations want to use more video content in the future. These promotional videos often explain intricate concepts, providing educational value for the reader. They also showcase B2B products and services in action. 

Conversely, B2C companies have focused heavily on auditory content. Podcasts and other audio-based platforms have become popular forms of entertainment for consumers. Many brands have capitalized on this trend, creating and sponsoring their own audio content to boost their brand awareness. 

8. Using Multiple Distribution Channels

In today’s online landscape, it’s not enough just to use one digital marketing channel. To maximize your online reach, you’ll need to take an omnichannel approach. 

During 2023, both B2B and B2C brands have focused heavily on organic social media posts and targeted SEO. However, B2B brands focused more on email marketing, while B2C brands prioritized paid social media. 

Every company will need to develop their own unique content distribution strategy based on their target audience. This usually starts with the company’s own channels, such as their website and any custom apps they use. 

Email is another key content distribution channel. Email newsletters provide an opportunity to deliver curated, personalized content directly to subscribers. 

Brands have rounded out their content marketing efforts by using social media. A blend of organic posts and paid promotions helps increase visibility and build a brand identity. Using multiple channels effectively maximizes visibility and provides more opportunities for engagement. 

9. Personalization Remains Crucial

Personalized content distribution remains a top priority for companies in 2023. In fact, Statista reports that 71% of companies say that personalized content has a very high level of importance. 

Generic content tends to get lost in the noise, but personalized content stands out from the crowd by speaking directly to the individual consumer. Addressing their unique needs, preferences, and pain points builds loyalty. 

To personalize your content, you’ll need to segment your audience according to their demographics and their position in your customer journey. Someone who’s hearing about your brand for the first time has a very different perspective than someone who’s making a repeat purchase. 

Create personas for each of your customer segments to understand their motivations better. These personas will help you create personalized content that resonates. 

10. Automated Nurturing Practices

B2b companies are more advanced in automated nurturing
than b2c companies

Nurturing is the process of maintaining your relationship with sales prospects and existing customers. 

Today, there are many tools that help companies nurture leads automatically. These tools will send follow-up emails and other automated communication based on customer behavior. 

In general, B2B companies have adopted automated nurturing faster than B2C companies. This is likely because B2B companies have longer sales cycles than B2C companies. 

According to Statista, 2 out of 3 B2B companies want to publish more content but find that lack of time is a major obstacle. As a result, 45% of B2B organizations say their automated nurturing strategy is “very advanced.”

These sales cycles require consistent, personalized engagement in order to work. Automation helps content marketers save time and energy during the nurturing process without compromising customer relationships. 

11. Using Web Analytics Tools and Social Media Metrics

In order to improve your content marketing strategy, you’ll first need to measure the performance of your existing content and initiatives. 

Today’s top content marketers rely heavily on web analytics tools and social media metrics to gather data. Statista reports that 79% of companies use web analytics tools for content marketing, while 66% of companies use social media metrics. 

These tools provide a comprehensive view of user behavior, engagement levels, conversion rates, and more. This valuable information tells content marketers which content is resonating with their audience and helps them make smart marketing decisions moving forward. 

12. Measuring Specific Content Metrics

Measuring content marketing metrics

With modern technology, content marketers have access to more data than ever. As a result, Statista reports that 41% of B2B companies have a specific approach to managing their content marketing success, using specific metrics to track their progress. 

The top three metrics tracked by content marketing teams include: 

  • Website Traffic: Tracking site traffic shows you how many people are visiting your website and where they’re coming from. Ups and downs in your website traffic can often be correlated with external marketing initiatives. 
  • Website Engagement KPIs: This includes metrics like average session duration, bounce rate, and pages per session. These KPIs show how users interact with your content once they reach your website. 
  • Conversion Rates: This metric is the percentage of users who take a desired action after visiting your website, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. The number indicates how effective your content is at moving customers through the sales funnel. 

13. Focusing on ROI Insights

To determine whether your content marketing strategy is working, you’ll need to assess its financial impact on your organization. Right now, approximately 4 in 10 companies have strong insights regarding their ROI. 

Calculating content ROI will help you understand which strategies, platforms, and tools are delivering the most value for your organization. For both B2B and B2C companies, this process typically involves:

  • Defining Cost: Start by calculating how much you’re spending on content creation, distribution, and promotion. 
  • Measuring Revenue: Use your metrics to gather valuable insights and track revenue tied directly to your content marketing. 
  • Calculating ROI: To calculate the ROI of a content marketing campaign, use the following formula: (Net profit from the campaign/Cost of the campaign) x 100.

Measuring ROI helps companies determine how to allocate their limited content marketing budgets and refine their long-term strategies. 

To Wrap It All Up 

With the digital landscape changing so rapidly, it’s crucial for content marketers to stay on top of the latest trends. Throughout 2023, we’ve seen many changes in the industry, and we can expect new innovations to continue into 2024 and beyond. 

At Foxxr Digital Marketing, we stay ahead of the content marketing trends to help our clients develop effective brand awareness strategies and bring in more customers. We also offer comprehensive content marketing services to help you reach customers via your website, social media, email, search engine rankings, and more. 
If you’re looking to improve your strategy and capitalize on other content marketing trends, Foxxr is here to help. Reach out today to learn more about our services and creating high-quality content.

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Brian Childers

Brian Childers is the Founder and CEO of Foxxr Digital Marketing, a St. Petersburg, FL-based agency specializing in home services marketing. An accomplished SEO expert with 15years of experience, Brian and his team has a proven track record of driving organic growth for home service businesses. Under his leadership, Foxxr's team of digital marketers crafts data-driven SEO strategies that consistently increase website visibility, generate high-quality leads, and boost revenue for clients in the competitive home services sector.