Why is UX Important in Digital Marketing?

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Why is ux important in digital marketing

Can you remember the web or app interface you used yesterday?

Probably don’t, right?

Yeah! The interface might be decent enough that it didn’t cause any trouble while using that website or app. That means you won’t hesitate to use that website or app for further needs, isn’t it?

So, if you also want to provide a better experience to your audiences, you must take a close look at the UX section. 

As the UX Expert and Founder CEO of Intechnic, Andrew Kucheriavy, says, “Good UX is good business.” Ensuring a good user experience will positively impact the users and improve the SEO ranking

In this blog post below, we will discuss the importance of UX and how you can improve it.

What is User Experience?

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Image source: interaction-design.org

User experience means how the consumers feel during purchasing products or services from your website.

When the consumers are satisfied with your website, it will improve the overall user experience of your website.

Suppose your website page load speed is slow, then the consumer gets irritated while browsing your store and buying products, which will negatively impact your website UX.

Let’s see the reasons why you need to improve user experience?

Reasons Why UX is Important in Digital Marketing

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1. Ensures Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is an essential aspect of user experience. When customers feel satisfied with the user experience, they are more likely to return and recommend the product to others. Thus we can say that user satisfaction is also an indicator of the product’s quality.

User experience is how a customer feels and interacts with a company’s website, products and services. 

User experience encompasses everything from the moment a customer first interacts with a brand to their last interaction. User experience also plays a critical role in a company’s ability to gain and retain customers.

2. Reduce Bounce Rates 

Bounce rates are a much-discussed metric in the world of digital marketing. A high bounce rate is often seen as a bad thing, and for a good reason. It indicates that visitors to your website are finding little or no value on your site and are leaving without further exploration. 

This is a clear sign that something is wrong with your website’s user experience or, in other words, the way your website feels when a visitor visits.

But user experience creates impacts on bounce rates. Because it determines how a user interacts with your website, it encompasses the look and feels of your website or app.

It also affects the speed and responsiveness of the interface and the ease of finding the information or products a user is looking for. 

The better the user experience, the more likely a user is to stay on a website or in an app, which also has a direct impact on reducing bounce rates.

3. Better Customer Engagement

Customer experience is a critical component of how consumers feel about your brand. From the way your staff greets customers to how they view your product and your brand on social media, the customer experience is one of your most important assets. 

User experience is not only about the product experience, it’s also about how you treat your customers throughout their journey. It’s about how happy customers are, how likely they are to stay with you, and whether they tell the world how great your brand is.

If the target consumers feel satisfied with your website user experience, they will often engage with your product and services.

4. Improve Conversion Rates

User experience design creates a positive experience for a user in a product or service. 

Also, it can influence the conversion rate of a product or service. Conversion rates are the ratio of the number of people who come to your eCommerce website and purchase your products and services. 

Having a positive user experience can increase the amount of revenue a business generates, while a poor user experience can cause customers to leave without making a purchase.

User Experience in eCommerce Business

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Today, eCommerce is the new frontier of digital business platforms, and it has completely changed the way we shop and continues to evolve at a fast pace.

As a business owner, it’s your job to understand the latest trends and adapt your strategy accordingly. One of the important tasks in eCommerce today is focusing on the user experience.

When you buy something online, you usually don’t think about it much beyond the product. 

But for e-commerce companies, the experience a user has before, during, and after a purchase is a crucial part of the business.

Companies like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart have invested heavily in improving the experience for their customers. It’s been tough for smaller retailers to compete on the same level.

How to Improve UX in Your Website

To improve your website user experience, you need to follow essential strategies such as better landing page design, mobile-friendly interface, visually appealing images, etc.

In this section, we will discuss how you can easily improve your website’s user experience.

Let’s focus on that!

1. Customize Website Page Navigation

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Figure: Website Navigation – Author: Seobility – License: CC BY-SA 4.0

A well-organized website is essential for the overall growth of any online business. 

Let’s assume you are selling clothes from a physical store in a market. You showcase your products in an unorganized way, such as mixed-up t-shirts, towels, and jeans pants. Then the consumers will become confused and unsatisfied during purchasing from your store.

The same thing will also happen in your eCommerce store. While designing your website, you must keep the suitable options in the right way according to the product category.

You need to design your website in a way where consumers can easily find their desired products. Otherwise, consumers will get irritated and end up refusing to buy anything from your website. So, only the bad UX is ruining your sales.

2. Better Landing Page Design

How landing page generates leads?

To gain the consumer’s trust and satisfaction, you must design well-optimized and attractive landing pages on your website.

When consumers see your product’s ads or links on other websites or social media platforms, they click on them and redirect to your website landing or destination page. That creates the first impression about your website to the consumers.

If the consumers don’t get accurate information or functions on the landing page, they will not get any interest in buying products or services from your website. So it impacts the user experience on your website.

So you must improve the landing page design with full functional quality according to user demands.

3. Generate Product Feed For Better User Experience

You need to provide exact product data to the consumers so that they can get a better idea about your products. Providing flawless products is essential to creating a dedicated consumer group.

So you need to create a product feed that contains essential information and attributes about products. You can easily generate a WooCommerce product feed with the help of the CTX Feed plugin.

It has options to generate an unlimited product feed for more than 100+ channels along with Facebook, Google Shopping Ads, Instagram, Twitter, Bing Ads, etc.

When you successfully generate a product feed, it will automatically update your eCommerce website products on multiple channels so that the consumers can easily find your products from the merchant center.

With the help of the product feed generator plugin, you can easily update exact and error-free data on multiple channels so that consumers will get error-free product information.

Providing correct product data to the consumers will highly impact your eCommerce website’s user experience.

4. Optimize Mobile-Friendly Interface

Responsive devices - bigs mobile
Big’s Mobile Website Design

A mobile-friendly website, which also has a responsive design, can help increase traffic and conversions by improving a site’s usability. 

Currently, 6,567 million people use smartphones all over the world. Also, 58% of smartphone users feel comfortable purchasing products from mobile sites or apps. So you must optimize a mobile-friendly website for the consumers.

Mobile-friendly website characteristics include responsive design, optimized accessibility, and the use of a simple and flexible experience.

As you know, Smartphones have become the primary device for accessing the web & purchasing most goods and services. So, the goal of having a mobile-friendly website is to encourage visitors to browse your site on their phones. 

Also, your mobile-friendly website needs to be well developed. Users can take advantage of the smaller screen sizes rather than the traditional desktop or laptop computer screen.

When the consumers are satisfied with browsing your website, it will also improve your user experience.

5. Use Good Quality Product Images

Images play a significant role in eCommerce and digital marketing as well as any type of website. In an eCommerce business, you showcase your products on your website so that consumers can buy your products.

In that case, the images provide an overall idea about your eCommerce store products. In the physical store, consumers can easily check products before purchase. But when someone wants to buy something from the digital store, product images create the first impression on the consumers.

Also, you need to provide multiple angles images of a particular product. Because in physical stores, consumers can check products in multiple ways. 

But in an online store, they don’t get that opportunity. So if you provide multiple images of the same product, consumers can get the right idea about that product.

If the consumers are not satisfied with the product images, they will not get interested in buying their desired product from your eCommerce website.

So if you ensure good quality and appropriate product images in your eCommerce store, it will obviously impact your website’s user experience.

6. Organize Checkout and Payment Process

Enhance your checkout and payment process

The checkout and payment process is the last stage of the buyer’s journey. At first, consumers get to know about your store or products, then analyze your product quality. 

Finally, when consumers get satisfied with your product, they decide to purchase it. They need proper payment and checkout methods relevant to them in this situation.

Suppose you include only an unpopular bank’s online payments system on your website. But most consumers don’t have any accounts in that bank. So they are unable to purchase products.

So you will lose some valuable consumers. For this reason, it will create a massive effect on the user experience of your eCommerce website.

Also, multiple shipping methods are essential for consumer satisfaction. Some consumers want fast delivery for their purchased products so that you can provide fast delivery service with some extra charge.

You also implement local and international shipping options for worldwide consumers, which helps to grab decent numbers of consumers and also improve the user experience of your eCommerce website.

7. Improve the Page Load Speed

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Image source: cxl.com

Nowadays, the majority of the population uses smartphones to do their necessary work, such as food orders, online purchases, etc. They just go on a smartphone browser or app and do that in a short amount of time. A study shows that an extra second delay means 25% less conversions.

Consumers always need a faster process while browsing the internet to buy something or do other work. But if your website page transformation speed is slow, consumers will get irritated and leave.

For these reasons, website page speed is essential to ensure the consumer’s satisfaction, which means a better user experience.

Also, fast load speed improves the website’s bounce rates. Unoptimized and large images can increase the page transition speed. So you need to compress images in the right size to improve the website speed.

8. Take Feedback From the Consumers

Get feedback from your customers

Consumers are the core part of any business, whether eCommerce or regular business. Their interactions, reactions, and engagements play a significant role in establishing the business.

To become successful in digital marketing, you must know consumers’ opinions about your product and services.

You need to use feedback options on your website where consumers will say the positive and negative reviews about your business, from here, you can get an idea about what improvement is needed in your website.

After successfully identifying the problems, you can easily fix them for better consumer satisfaction, which will create a positive effect on the user experience.

9. Use UX/UI Design Apps

In addition to the strategies outlined above, it is absolutely crucial to recognize the pivotal role that UI design software plays in enhancing the user experience of your website. Carefully selecting and utilizing the right UI design software empowers you to effortlessly create and customize your website’s layout, resulting in a visually stunning and user-friendly interface. These powerful tools provide a plethora of options and elements that allow you to craft an interface that perfectly aligns with your brand and captivates your target audience. Whether it’s choosing the perfect color combinations or typography, designing intuitive navigation or seamless transitions, UI design software streamlines the entire process, enhancing both efficiency and effectiveness.

With a range of options available in the market, such as Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma, you have the flexibility to choose the perfect fit based on your specific needs, budget, and design complexity. By incorporating UI design software into your UX improvement strategy, you can significantly elevate the usability of your website, ultimately leading to heightened customer satisfaction and improved conversion rates.


In the world of digital marketing, consumer satisfaction is highly impactful.

If the consumers feel comfortable while they are purchasing products, filling out a contact form, or simply scheduling an appointment from your website, then your business will grow faster.

So you must improve the overall functions and categories of the website so that the user experience gets better.

We hope that you will benefit from this.

About the Author

Fahim Muntasir

Fahim Muntasir works as a content writer at WebAppick – a giant WordPress plugin development company. His specialized sectors are WordPress, WooCommerce, Google Merchant Center,eCommerce, and other topics.

First published: June 6, 2022

Updated: July 21, 2023

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Brian Childers

As the Founder and CEO of Foxxr Digital Marketing, Brian Childers is a driving force in the local marketing arena. His extensive experience and proven success have empowered him to assemble a team of top-tier digital marketing professionals dedicated to helping local businesses thrive. Through targeted lead generation and revenue-focused strategies, Brian and his team at Foxxr consistently deliver exceptional results, driving substantial growth for their clients.